Saturday 20 October 2018



Hi everyone. Hope everyone is in good health. it has been almost a year of idle, no update what so ever. sorry for that, was too occupied. ni pun patutnye study. curi 10 min jp update blog.

Well, a lot of things happened in my life so far. so much changes that I don't know where to start. hee. mostly it's about my love life. I still remembered it was raining quite heavily talking to my pak itam saying that "sedihnye etc" because baru lps kononye break dgn one guy yg baru kenal. so sedih that I thought the rain understands my feeling. then, the same night, someone texted me through some social media saying "Assalamualaikum, salam perkenalan. selamat hari raya". padahal dlm hati almost nk give up.

He was a complete stranger to me. a year older, wiser ckt,same wavelength of thinking, rse bole borak mcm2 dgn this guy without feeling awkward, loves music and is a guitarist (dedicate songs to me at the very first time he called me), so brave and honest, determined, understanding, knows a lot about car etc. His determination to get to know my family and made the right move to see my parents yg buat den jatuh cinta. hee. n everything else. hahah. (xleh cte sume segan plk)

and story cut short, we meet up once, then I brought him to see my parents n family. 3 months after that we got engaged. Alhamdulillah.. and now 70 days left for us to get married. dubdab..hehe

some of my friends said, lajunye, ekspressnye, yakin ke? yes, In sha Allah. so far, Alhamdulillah sume urusan dipermudahkn Allah. n we hope to bercinta lps kawen, walaupun da tercinta awl plk. hee.. (tutup muka)

almost 2 weekly akn jmpe since first me met, so when it is more than the usual gap. the feeling of rindu menebal plk. hrp2 dpt mo placement dkt dgn bkl suami n family den. Aaminn. cannot imagine if terpaksa pjj. huhu..

tlg doakan yg baik2 utk kami ye kwn2. smoga dipermudahkan segala urusan kte sume, dipertemukn jodoh msg2 dan smoga sentiasa dlm lindungan rahmat dan kasih syg Allah. one important lesson learnt, trust in Allah (tawakkal) and never lose hope. tp at the same time kne ade effort jgk. 

viva in less than 2 weeks. and still so many topics to study, 

Till then, see you guys,

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