Ape kabar sumenye?? smoga sentiasa sihat2 dan berada dlm limpahan rahmat-Nya. pertamanya, penulis nak mintak maaf la sbb da terpinggirkan blog ni selama hampir 5 bulan? rekod plg panjang rsenye. ecece. sebenarnye byk sgt nk cter nak update tp tak tahu lah , tak terluah buah fikiran ni dlm tulisan. busy2 --> continuous assesment, events dan twitter merupakan sebabnya. hahah.=p
untuk membuktikan betapa byknye cter yg tergendala, meh penulis update kat sini randomly:
- PUISI The Road Not Taken 2012
- Istanbul Kami Datang
- Islamic Awareness Week 2013
- PRU13?
- Spring break
- summer break plan!! yuhuuuu..=D
Dari Abu Hurairah ra., ia berkata : Rasulullah saw bersabda :
"Sesungguhnya Allah berfirman : "Aku menurut dugaan hambaKu kepadaKu, dan Aku bersamanya apabila ia ingat kepadaKu. (Hadits ditakhrij oleh Turmidzi).
and what is more interesting is that our unconscious mind reflects 95% of our life! Here's an interesting article which I found it while studying for BH:
For example Dr Lipton shows that if we interpret things in a positive way, we start living healthier and better quality lives, regardless of the genetic makeup we started with. A new attitude, positive or negative, sends new messages to the cells in our body and can actually reprogram their health and behavior. It can even change cellular structure, turning diseased cells into healthy cells.
This new science does away with the old scientific tradition, based on Newtonian physics, that the body is just a mechanical device, and actually acknowledges that mind and spirit also play a role in who we are. http://www.lifetrainings.com/Your-unconscious-mind-is-running-you-life.html
till then, will keep you updated In Shaa Allah. =)
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